Monday, August 17, 2009

Inspired by comics

I have never really liked superman. Growing up he was never one of my favs. Again though my generation mainly likes Batman. A human fighting back heck yeah dude!

Why do we need help from aliens.

although my favorite has never always been Bruce Wayne that's what I tell people.

My true favorite is Hal.

Hal Jordan.

A regular man, with problems like everyone else is given a second chance. A huge one. But one none the less.

Anyone who knows me knows i have done my fair share of comics. Or have attempted.

Today I got inspired by a not likely source.


I love Grant Morrison great writer.

Yet, a lot of people have been trying lately to make superman more human...

and I love it.

But one of the best selling series (or most watch) was superman during his childhood as clark kent. Which I finished reading about today in All Star Superman. Where he is shrouded in mystery about his past. Yet he presses foward. Kinda like Wolverine except a boy scout.

So I was heavily inspired by Superman today and have been thinking of making a comic for a while. But crossing two ideas.

Weapon X...

And a teen of course.

But then where does hal come into play...

My Main Character is going to be someone who finds out about his cowardice life he used to lead...

And tries to make up for it with his new found powers...

Sketches soon ;)


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